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Female Bodybuilding Diet

Build Muscle with a Good
Female Bodybuilder Diet

Are you concerned about why your body is not developing a well as you wanted? Well you are not alone. Few bodybuilders understand what they should be eating and a good female bodybuilding diet is just as important as any exercise regime.

You could potentially waste a lot of time and effort gaining the knowledge and experience necessary before you achieve the results you want. One of the first things you must realise is that you need to stop eating three meals a day! Having a meal every three hours will be best for you. Your body needs the nutrients to repair muscle tissue at all hours of the day, so when you eat only three times a day your body will not have those nutrients regularly enough.

Women trying to build muscle will find themselves at a disadvantage compared to men because of the hormone testosterone. This is why the female bodybuilding diet is important because it optimizes your ability to build muscle. Therefore, if you are working out and eating incorrectly, its inevitable you will not get the best results. So protein is of primary importance. You will need to eat a lot of protein in smaller portions but more often.

The female body building diet will need to contain a lot of high protein foods like meats, shakes and supplements. Have a big breakfast to speed up your metabolism and have a protein and fat combination before bed.

Good sources of protein and carbs can be found in the following foods:

Complex Carbs: Oatmeal, Sweet Potatoes, Beans, Oat Bran Cereal, Brown Rice, Pasta and Potatoes

Proteins: Skinless Chicken Breast, Tuna, or White Meat Chicken, Fish and Shrimp, Extra Lean Ground Beef, Protein Powder and Egg Whites

Healthy Fats: Natural or Organic Peanut Butter, Olive or Sunflower Oil, Nuts and avocado

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